
Legislators want to hear from their constituents, especially those who are educated on the political and social issues of the time. They want to hear from you regarding the issues that affect you, and issues for which you have a specific expertise. When it comes to licensure, they need to hear from the practitioners themselves. Use the fact sheets provided by ASLA to guide your discussion with legislators, but also use local examples from your practice that can help the legislator relate to the issue(s) at hand.

Several types of communication can be effective in building a relationship with your lawmaker. As a constituent, you can develop and maintain an ongoing, working relationship with local, state, and federal government officials representing your area. It is best to initiate these relationships before critical issues reach decision points or you need to call on them for assistance.

Latest Quarterly Report

CCASLA 2023 3Q Report

November 13th, 2023|Comments Off on CCASLA 2023 3Q Report

Our volunteers contribute to a quarterly e-news column to keep California Chapter members informed of the progress made by our state Directors on their [...]

Latest Bill Report

2023 4Q Bill Tracking Report

November 7th, 2023|Comments Off on 2023 4Q Bill Tracking Report

As the California Legislature introduces new legislation, CCASLA’s Legislative Advocate produces a report which lists each bills’ subject area, legislative intent, status (where the [...]

Become An Advocate

Take advantage of every opportunity to meet and become better acquainted with your elected officials. Opportunities may develop through local civic or charitable organizations, political functions, town hall meetings, or by requesting a meeting. Contact initiated through such meetings can evolve quickly into relationships that permit discussion of licensure, public policy issues, and other concerns. These relationships are best developed by contacts made when the legislator is home in his/her district. In these personal contacts, it is important that you be positive and constructive in your remarks. It is best to begin building the relationship with your legislator when you do not need anything from them.

National Policies

Public Policies

ASLA National Policy Staff Contacts


Roxanne Blackwell, Esq, Hon. ASLA Director, Federal Government Affairs
P: 202-216-2334

Elizabeth Herbron Director, State Government Affairs
P: 202-216-2324